We have compiled a list of frequently asked questions, hopefully this should resolve your queries. In case you are nt able to find a suitable answer please visit the contact page and send us your query.
Absolutely, that’s why we are here. We will handhold you to understand this game and ensure that you reach a level where you can start practicing on your own. The only condition is we ask you to have an avid interest in Squash.
This is a very common question that is put to us. We recommend ‘to be fit and play squash instead of using this game as a launchpad to start your fitness’. The reason is that squash is a demanding game and for people who play game after a sedentary lifestyle usuaslly end up injuring themselves.
Absolutely. You can take the Individual Sessions where we play plan on a suitable timings and these can be planned in advance. We only ask that you do some kind of light or regular exercise over the week so that the muscles and other body systems are used to the workout.
We handle kids coaching differently as per the age group. For younger kids we design training session that involves a lot of ‘fun’ element. For older kids the sessions are held differently but any age group over 6+ years are welcome as we only encourage free play till then.
Depending on your society, we can have dedicated sessions on specified days/hours and these can be utilized by the members to avail themselves of coaching. But before we commit we need to ensure that the court is of proper safety standards.
I am sure we can arrange something – all we ask for are genuine interest in the sport.